Your Way to Florence: Hotels, villas, bed and breakfast, tourist services, resources of Chianti, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Your Way to Florence - All about Florence and Tuscany, Italy: accommodation, tourism...

 The Convent of San Francesco 

Address: Piazza San Francesco - Fiesole

The Convent of San Francesco now stands on the top of the hill that was once the site of the Etruscan acropolis and then of the Roman acropolis, followed by the medieval fortress which was destroyed by the Florentines in 1125. Founded at the beginning of the 14th century as the headquarters of the Florentine hermits, it was turned over to the Franciscans in the early 15th century. They enlarged the Church - which now consists of a long narrow nave with barrel vaulting - and the Convent, of which San Bernardino of Siena was abbot.


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