Mail: Post Office and Rates in Florence, Italy |
All post offices are open from Monday to Saturday from 8.15 to 13.30.
Some, including the main Post Office (Via Pelliceria, 3) and the Post Office in Via Pietrapiana, 53, are open all day from 8.15 to 18.00.
Stamps can be bought in Post Offices and tobacconists' shops.
For information on the postal services click here or phone at 160.
Postal Office
Firenze 1
via Giuseppe Galliano 27
(+39) 055 267421
Firenze 7
via Pietrapiana 53
(+39) 055 267421
Firenze V.R.
via Pellicceria, 3
(+39) 055/2736481
Firenze 13
via Bartolini 12
(+39) 055 261971
Firenze 26
via di Novoli 87
(+39) 055 4221850
Firenze 3
Piazza della Libertà, 12
(+39) 055 553301
Firenze 9
Piazza Conti Augusto
(+39) 055 5030811
Firenze 22
via dei Caboto, 37
(+39) 055 4228511
Firenze 6
Piazza Puccini 26/A
(+39) 055 217743