Currency Exchange in Florence, Italy |
Banks offer most favorable exchange rates. If you use currency - exchange booths at airports, rail and bus stations, hotels, stores, and privately run exchange firms, where you may find less favorable rates but more convenient hours.¥A plenty of exchange offices are located along the main streets such as: Via Calzaioli, Via Por Santa Maria and around the central train station.
- Omega Viaggi
Piazza della Stazione, 14-red
055 291312
- Carlo Alunno
055 217611
via della Ninna 9r
- Maccorp Italiana Spa
Via Luigi Alamanni, 7
055 288309
- Best And Fast Change
Piazza dell'Unità Italiana, 14-red
055 215955
- Best And Fast Change
Via de' Cerretani, 47-red
055 2647358
- Best And Fast Change
Borgo San Lorenzo, 16
055 284391