De Chirico returns to Florence
The new exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence is dedicated to an Italian artistic movement of the 20th century that had a major and decisive impact, perhaps the last to do so, on the international art scene. De Chirico, Max Ernst, Magritte, Balthus – uno sguardo nell’invisibile (A Look Into the Invisible) is the title of the exhibition, which features numerous works obtained thanks to international loans, bringing metaphysical painting “back home”. It was in Florence, in fact, in Piazza Santa Croce in October 1909 that a young Giorgio de Chirico had the intuition of the mysterious relationship that exists between the things that appear and their meaning. The Florence exhibition, which brings together the works of de Chirico with those representing the European artistic movements that he in some way “unleashed” – Dada, Surrealism, Neue Sachlichkeit, Magical Realism –, offers visitors paintings by Giorgio Morandi, Carlo Carrà, René Magritte, Max Ernst, and Balthus, along with Arturo Nathan, Pierre Roy, Alberto Savinio, and Niklaus Stoecklin representing Magical Realism.
Following the spirit of metaphysical painting, the rooms of Palazzo Strozzi will play extensively on a psychological and introspective approach, especially in the part dedicated to children, now always present in the exhibitions that wish to open their doors to families.

The initiative will therefore include workshops for children, in both Italian and English; two Sunday events are planned for families, on 21st March and 20th June. In concurrence with Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Palazzo Strozzi will also show a selection of drawings made by de Chirico in 1933 for the first edition of the most famous music festival of Florence, available exceptionally for public viewing (from May 1st to June 22)
The exhibition will be showing from 26th February to 18th July. De Chirico, Max Ernst, Magritte, Balthus – uno sguardo nell’invisibile (A Look Into the Invisible) Opening hours 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, Thursday 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.; admission €10.00, reduced €8.50; schools €4.00 tel. 0552645155
From APT - Agenzia per il Turismo di Firenze (Florence Tourist Office)