Rosticciana (Pork ribs)
- Preparation time: 10 minutes.
- Cooking time: one hour.
- 2kg pork ribs.
- Rosemary.
- Garlic.
- One glass white wine.
- Salt.
The term
rosticciana or
rostinciana refers to pork ribs in Florence.
Cut the ribs into sections about three centimetres thick. Put in a large frying pan and add the rosemary, garlic and a glass of water. Cover and cook over a low heat for about an hour, turning frequently, until the water has completely evaporated. Increase the heat, add the salt and wine and allow to reduce gradually, browning the meat evenly on all sides. The ribs can also be roasted in the oven: put all the ingredients together in a rectangular, aluminium oven dish and roast for forty minutes at 180° C. If you have a charcoal or wood fire, or barbecue, you can cook them on a warmed gridiron for about an hour until golden. Sprinkle with salt before bringing to the table and serve with beans in oil or sautéed spinach.