Fegato alla salvia (Liver with sage)
- Preparation time: 10 minutes.
- Cooking time: 5 minutes
- 12 slices of calf's liver cut about a centimetre thick(approx. 900g)
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 5tbsp extra-virgine olive oil
- Flour
- Fresh sage leaves
- Salt.
Remove the thin skin tissue around the slices of liver, to prevent them shrivelling while cooking. Coat both sides with flour.
Using a large frying pan, gently fry the cloves of garlic in the oil; add the washed and dried sage leaves and when the oil begins to sizzle slide in the slice of liver. Fry on each side for a couple of minutes so that the outside is crisp and golden but inside the liver remains soft and tender. Salt both sides, remove from the frying pan and place on a platter lined with kitchen paper to drain off the excess oil. Before bringing to the table, remove the kitchen paper and any remaining leaves of sage.
If you prefer with the meat, pour a glass of white wine over the liver and let it reduce well, arrange on a large platter and bring to the table with the pepper mill for those who like. With or without a sauce, liver is delicious with fried potatoes or fresh salad.