Grazie !

"Ariento" Consortium

List of Members

Tradition of Florentine Silverware

[ Page 1 of 2 ] Florence
today remembers the great silverware tradition,
documented by conserved masterpieces in its museum and in
its churches. It has once again become one of the world's
silverware-producing capitals, not only for the quantity
of the metal used, but also for the quality of its
production. It is by virtue of this quality, moreover,
that the tradition still lives, while its nobleness is
witnessed by the inventiveness, and by the prestigious
ability of the numerous silversmiths that work in
Florentine firms.
This is still, as it was in the past, the true richness
of the city: the capability to attract general attention
to itself, thanks to the high standards that its
entrepreneurs are capable of providing to a vast body of
consumers. Buyers, now able to spend, due to the general
improvement of economic conditions, although the trade
has always been slightly disorientated by consumer
choice. In order to first guarantee, even to a potential
clientele, the excellence of the articles that are
produced in Florence, many of the major companies in the
sector built the consortium "Ariento-Company of
Florentine Silversmiths". Using the model of the
goldsmith associations of the past, the Arts that made
Florence great, these entrepreneurs united to obtain
maximum competitiveness, credit and trust, and to
demonstrate their dignity as faithful heirs of an
incomparable tradition. They created a type of treaty
from different experiences, used to save specific
agencies, and to contemporaneously enrich the entire
offering of valuable products.