Beauty center Tuscany. Health & beauty in Tuscany. Spa Tuscany Italy
The Chianciano Spa (Tuscany, Italy)
For over 2000 years at the service of wellbeing. This is not just a slogan, but rather, a historic evolution
testified to by the numerous archaeological findings, including an enormous thermal bath from the first century
AD: probably the largest in the world in that era.
Health week / Euro 305,00
- Medical evaluation
- 3 Total-body mudpacks & ozone bath
- 3 Hydromassages
- 6 Relaxing massages
Hotel in Tuscany with beauty farm. Health and wellbeing in Tuscany
A day at the spa
Programme "A" / Euro 134,00
1 Nutritive acacia honey face mask
1 Thalassothermal pediluvium and plantar massage
1 Chocolate therapy for the body & spa bath
Programme "B" / Euro 120,00
1 Face and throat massage
1 Hydro-relax
1 Aromatherapy massage with essential oils
Programme "C" / Euro 96,00
1 Total-body mudpacks & ozone bath
1 Total-body massage
1 Nutritive acacia honey face mask & face massage
Programme "D" / Euro 106,00
1 Nutritive acacia honey face mask
1 Ayurvedic massage
1 Thermal thalassobath with green clay
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