[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] Room 35 – The Tintoretto and Barocci Room
» Room 35 Paintings

Dedicated to Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti, 1519-94), Baroccio (Federico Fiori, 1528-1612) from Urbino, and Jacopo Bassano (1515-95). With Tintoretto and Bassano, Venetian color arrives at true luministic painting as appears in Leda and the Swan by Tintoretto. He is also great as a portrait painter, as is proven by the Portrait of Jacopo Sansovino shown here on the right. The formal elegance and the luminous research of Bassano are beat realized in nocturnal and genre scenes, as shown in the Roveto ardente on the back wall. By Baroccio, artist of a complex formation, we can admire the grandiose Madonna del Popolo. The room also contains works by Leandro Bassano, lesser known follower of his father Jacopo, by the modest Domenico, son of the great Tintoretto, and by Palma the Younger, who continues Titian's heredity with that coloristic exuberance that identifies the early 17th century.

The staircase of Buontalenti gives access to a beautiful Vestibule, where are displayed a marble wildboar, a bronze copy of which was made by Pietro Tacca for the fountain in the Straw Market, and the Torso of a Satyr, Greek art of the 2nd century A.D. Also shown are elegant Medicean tapestries. The narrow staircase leads to the Loggia of the Uffizi, therefore it is used as an exit.

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