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 Sant'Alessandro - Fiesole 

Address: Piazza S. Francesco - Fiesole

The ancient basilica of Sant'Alessandro lies almost at the top of the steep road that leads to the top of the hill of San Francesco. Originally this was the site of an Etruscan temple, then replaced by a Roman Temple and then by the Christian church, the origins of which are said to go back to S. Theodoric, and which may have inherited the capitals and columns of the Roman buildings. Almost certainly of pre-Romanesque origins, the church was renewed in the 11th century, then remodelled in the 16th and 18th centuries with the addition of a neoclassical facade at the beginning of the 19th century. Recent restoration has once more brought to light the Romanesque structures. The columns in oriental cipolin marble with Ionic capitals and bases are particularly noteworthy.


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